May 09, 2015

Blooms, Buds, Petals & Leaves ~

They Are Knockouts

Yes, I know there is a significant difference in the wonderful 'traditional' Roses but I am working with what I have and the double KNOCKOUT ROSES WORK perfectly...they will for you too!

You don't have to be a trained and licensed floral designer to pull off wonderful things using

Whatcha Got


And "what I got" is beautiful, thriving red double knockout roses so


Let's Go With That!

We all know with this terrific, easy care, forgiving  Rose you do 'not have to dead head', Right?

You knew that.

You do not have to-- you can let the spent petals fall away and [put your hands behind you to resist]
and then wait for the little stem it's been attached to to wither away and fall to the ground also..
Sure, you knew that but I'm just throwing that freebie in to fill up the post space!

So, at my house this Mother's Day weekend

I am feeling worthless as I observe creation around me and I am doing nothing...I don't have any timely posts waiting in DRAFTS for the right day to activate. I don't have any wonderful DIY project or cutesy crafty thing waiting to unveil...

-hence the feeling of worthlessness [smile here].



I do have beautiful roses with a few blooms that need to be cleaned up and made to go away.


Now I have a purpose-

 In my bathrobe and crocs I am in my front yard gathering up spent roses-

Everything from 'done' to 'thinking about being done' blooms-
Last minute thought- grab a few perfect full blooms and a couple of totally perfect little rose buds.
Now I am out there for anyone passing by to see with my robe gathered up like an APRON..
What to do now?

Oh, my dear- That's the easy part-

Follow me



Yes I know these will change dramatically by the end of this day-
That's okay- I call it 'another kind of beauty'
You end up spending NO MONEY
You don't have a heavy PERFUMED scent but
A NATURAL scent that is not only pleasant
It is not going to offend friends and family with allergies-that's a WINNER!
and....did I mention that it can last almost as long as you choose to keep it.
One more thing-
if you use a container large enough you can continue to add a few other naturals
to the already natural blend...sprigs of herbs or leaves from cuttings to add some color contrast. more-   If your harvest is rather generous you might share with a friend or a neighbor.
Fill a bag- tie with a simple string and go forth and share what you and what you KNOW.
Now I almost feel I deserve the labe BLOGGER-
Working with nothing [or so I thought] we came up with


I am so glad we had this time.....TOGETHER
Happy Mother's Day - Happy Saturday - Happy Life ~


  1. I love this post! You have so much to offer, you just don't realize it sometimes. What great smiles and fun you gave me this morning, Jonell! Thank you for your beautiful share with us this morning. Happy Mother's Day weekend, to you, my friend. :)

  2. Oh the beauty of roses and petals! Both are lovely indoors and out. I have one knock out rose given to me for Mother's Day three years ago by my youngest son. It's not large yet, but will be blooming soon. Have a wonderful Mother's Day.


This is intended to be an exchange of thoughts, recollections and ideas.
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